3D Printable modifications for your Lulzbot TAZ – Rotation Knob Extender
Lulzbot’s website offers a great learning resource on their website! I was browsing around and stumbled across this great little modification for the TAZ. It’s a knob extender for the knob on the LCD! You can download the files for this HERE. This is great if you have small fingers or like in my case, chubby little fingers. 😉 This would also be great for someone with larger hands that little bitty knobs can be difficult for. It makes the knob on the LCD larger and more easily moveable, yet it doesn’t cover the entire knob. This allows it to still push the button in as normal. It fits snugly and doesn’t seem to rotate or move around on the knob. You could also have a little fun with it and print in various colors, I’m a fan of pink!
Both of these were printed in ABS filament, which is a strong and inexpensive type of filament. You can purchase ABS filament as well as many other types HERE